Acquiring a scholarship is a privilege granted only to those who can prove, through hard work and dedication, that they are deserving of this opportunity. Keep the following stipulations in mind to retain your scholarship:
- Maintain the required GPA indicated in your scholarship contract.
- Do not commit any form of academic dishonesty or major offense.
- Ensure there are no instances of absence without leave (AWOL).
- You can’t file for a leave of absence unless it's for valid reasons as determined by the Center for Admissions - Scholarships and Grants Unit.
- Fulfill the service hours indicated in the scholarship contract.
- Attend all required activities for scholars and grantees (e.g. General Assembly).
- Comply with all the requirements, terms, and conditions stated in your scholarship contract.
Adhering to these guidelines is crucial to maintain your scholarship and to help avoid any infractions that may cause you to lose this privilege. For questions and concerns about your scholarship, email your Scholarships Coordinator.
The final scholarship retention details will be included in the scholarship conforme letter and scholarship contract issued to accepted scholars.