Exporting your students’ grades from BigSky allows you to access them offline, share data, perform further analysis, maintain records or backups, and integrate them with other systems like SIS.
- Navigate to the BigSky homepage and select the course from which you want to export grades.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Assessment > Grades.
- Go to the Enter Grades tab and select Export Grades.
- Review the Export Options and Choose Grades to Export.
- Choose to export to CSV or Excel format.
- Wait for the pop-up window to appear and prepare your file.
- Once the download is complete, click Download to save the file to your computer.
Upload Grades from BigSky to SIS
Before proceeding with these steps, ensure you have released the grades to your students and are logged in to BigSky.
- Access SIS.
- Log in using your Infonet credentials.
- Click on System Parameters.
- Select the Term and School Year from the pull-down menu, then click Save.
- Choose Final Grading Sheet on the right pane.
- Select the course and section.
- Click Get Grades from BigSky at the bottom of the grading sheet to automatically copy the grades onto the SIS grading sheet.
- Click Save and Submit to Registrar.
- To save the grading sheet as a file, click on Print. A pop-up screen of your grading sheet will appear. Right-click the pop-up, select Print, and Save as PDF in Destination.
- To print the grading sheet, repeat the process and select the printer as the Destination instead.
Verify that the grading system you used matches the syllabus requirements and Benilde’s grading scheme. Ensure that the grade breakdown and criteria align with what's indicated in the syllabus.