Your pay is computed based on your classification as a Benildean associate. Use this as your guide to understanding this.
Full-time Associates (Full-time Faculty, Administrative Staff, Support Staff)
As full-time associates, your initial basic pay is based on the job offer. Applicable bonuses are added based on the announced released dates. Deductions are computed based on your withholding tax rate, government-mandated benefits, and existing loans.
Part-time Faculty
For part-time faculty, your pay is computed based on your unit load multiplied by your hourly rate and then multiplied by the number of weeks covered in the pay release schedule.
Unit Load x Hourly Rate x No. of Weeks Covered = Total Pay
Your hourly rate has been defined in the contract you signed as a part-time faculty member. Here's an example:
If you’re currently handling one major subject with five units and your hourly rate is Php 600.00, then your pay for 2 weeks will be computed as:
5 x 600 x 2 = Php 6,000.00
Applicable bonuses are added based on the announced released dates. Deductions are computed based on your withholding tax rate, government-mandated benefits, and existing loans.
Special Class
For part-time faculty holding Special Classes, the computation is the same. The pay is released every Week 7 and Week 14 of the term instead of following the announced part-time faculty pay schedule.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your pay, contact Payroll by filling out the Payroll Helpdesk form. You can expect to receive a response in 3 to 5 working days.