Dressing appropriately when attending classes on campus or online is important to create a conducive learning environment. This will also prepare you when you move to a professional work environment later on.
Here are the general dress code guidelines:
- Wear your ID & lanyard inside the school premises at all times.
- Overly revealing clothing (e.g. cropped tops, spaghetti, backless, tank tops) are not allowed.
- Fabrics that are too tight are prohibited.
- Shorts or skirt length should not be shorter than the tip of the middle finger when placed against the sides of the body in a standing position.
- For ripped shorts, skirts, or pants, the tear must not be shorter than the tip of the middle finger when placed against the side of the body in a standing position.
- Sports attire can only be worn during P.E. classes and not inside classrooms or laboratories.
- Rubber Slippers are not allowed.
You can read the complete dress code policy in the Undergraduate Student Handbook. Programs under the School of Deaf Education and Applied Studies (SDEAS), School of Diplomacy and Governance (SDG), and School of Management and Information Technology (SMIT) have specific dress codes indicated in the handbook.
For School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Management (SHRIM) students, you may read this file for the updated SHRIM Student Dress Code and Grooming Policy.
You can report students violating the dress code policies by answering the Dress Code Infraction form. Repeated violations may result in a minor (4 repeated violations) or major offense (8 repeated violations).
If you need to wear certain attires that do not adhere to the dress code policies for a specific purpose (e.g. school play), get approval from the Center for Restorative Discipline by emailing crd@benilde.edu.ph or dropping by the CRD office in the following locations at least 3 days before your event or activity:
- Taft Campus: D305
- AKIC Campus: I902
- D+A Campus: A918
- The Atrium@Benilde: Mezzanine