A Benilde ID is provided to all Benildean students and associates to access the school campuses. Students can get their IDs from the Office of the Registrar (RO), and associates can get their IDs from the People and Organization Development Office (PODO).
Keep the following in mind when using your ID:
- Always swipe your ID when entering and leaving the school campus.
- Wear your school ID at all times while inside the campus; you can remove it during laboratory classes where it might cause a safety hazard.
- Entering the campus without a school ID is considered a violation and can result in a minor (4 infractions) or major (8 infractions) offense for students. This is counted for the whole duration of your stay in Benilde.
- Your ID is non-transferable, you're the only one who should use your ID.
- Lending, borrowing, or using someone else’s school ID (and other official documents such as Student Enrollment Records, Official Receipts, or Benilde Accounts) is strictly prohibited and is a major offense.
- In case your ID is damaged or defaced, invalid or lost, follow these procedures:
- For damaged or defaced student ID, go to RO or PODO for ID replacement. You will need to pay an ID replacement fee to the Finance Department to get a new ID.
- If your student ID is invalid, settle any pending fees to the Finance Department or check if you have any pending clearance records in the Student Information System.
- If you lost your student ID, secure an Affidavit of Loss from any Notary Public and submit it to this link. There is no required form or format for this. The Notary Public already knows what to provide when you request this. The Center for Restorative Discipline will contact you for the next steps.
- If you're an associate, you will submit the Affidavit of Loss to PODO.
- If you have reached the end of your maximum retention period, were dismissed, expelled, or deemed ineligible for enrollment, or have been disqualified due to the Disciplinary and Scholarship or Grants Retention Policy, you will be required to surrender your school ID.
The Benilde ID is a property of the College and is surrendered to Benilde when you graduate or end your employment.
You can report infractions for lost or forgotten student IDs in the Lost ID Infraction form.
Violations of school ID policies can be reported to Filing of Complaint/Reporting an Incident for students and to PODO at podohelpdesk@benilde.edu.ph for associates.