Once you officially become a Benildean, you’ll receive an email that contains your Infonet and Google Workspace account. The account details are sent to the email address you indicated in your application form.
When you receive this, test if it works in the Student Information System (students) or HRDB Web (associates). You can try your Google Workspace account in Gmail. If your accounts work, change your password and set your recovery email address. You will use the same password for both accounts.
Your Benilde accounts are active if you’re currently enrolled or employed in Benilde. You will lose access to it if you’re not enrolled, on leave of absence or absence without leave status, have graduated from Benilde, or have ended your employment with Benilde. Hence, it’s important to only use your Benilde accounts exclusively for Benilde-related activities and communications and have a backup of your files.
If you have not yet received your account details or have problems accessing your account, contact Helpdesk.
Your accounts will be deactivated/deleted when you graduate, resign, or do not have a current workload in Benilde.