Having problems logging in to your Infonet or Google Workspace account? Do this if you have forgotten your password and have set your recovery email address:
- Go to the Benilde Self-Service Password Management System.
- Type your Infonet account.
- For students, this is your ID number (e.g.1220000).
- For associates, this is your last name and first name initials (e.g. delacruzj).
- Type your recovery email address. If you can’t remember this, contact Helpdesk.
- Click Submit.
- Open the password reset link sent to your recovery email address. If this is not in the Inbox, check the Spam folder.
- Type your new password. Your password should meet the following requirements:
- Have a special character
- Have an UPPERCASE letter
- Have at least one number
- Should be 8 characters or more
- Should not be the same as the previous passwords used for your Benilde accounts
- Click Change Password.
- Done! Wait for at least 20 minutes for the changes to take effect.
You will use your new password for your Infonet and Google Workspace accounts. If you still need help with your password, contact Helpdesk.