Do you need to purchase a device for your office? Do you need to buy a software license and have them installed in the computer laboratory or your service unit? Get a technical evaluation with the Center for Technology Resource Planning and Control (CTRPC) before you do this.
Every year, the Digital Technology Office sends a memo and a template that offices will fill out and submit for technical evaluation. CTRPC will evaluate the hardware proposed by the center and give clearances on devices that can be included in their budget. Technical evaluation includes assessing if the hardware requested matches the user’s needs.
Since technical evaluation is done annually, centers should already anticipate and identify their hardware and software needs for the upcoming school year.
Email if you need to consult the technical specifications of a device you are planning to purchase for your center or department.
Software installed in computer laboratories and service units needs to go through DTO clearance. These are tested and evaluated first before installation. Academic programs requesting new software to be installed in the computer laboratories should file their request at least 2 weeks before the start of the term.
Software with licenses should be included in the annual approved budget of the center or program. They should facilitate purchasing this before requesting installation. Associates who require licensed software can have these installed if their center or department has this included in their budget.
If you need further assistance on this, contact Helpdesk.